Report failed WordPress login attempts to firewall
WordPress site login abusers create problems for many hosting companies. If your wordpress installation is using many plugins and has a lot of posts – increased number of useless requests gives unneeded load on servers, where wordpress is hosted and creates unnecessary risk.
I have written and published simple and yet powerful plugin, that will report all failed login attempts to centralized database. Using data from it we build list of IPs, that you can use in your firewall and block access from them completely. This simple action gives you protection from intruders and does not require extra resources.
Firewall configuration scripts, like CSF and APF have option to specify URL, which is regularly fetched by daemon and applied to firewall rules.
Plugin homepage:
Official plugin URL:
(search for csf firewall inside your wordpress)
- If you run website with WordPress – you can contribute to society by installing and activating this plugin.
- If you run server and use local firewall, you can use our list to block access from specific IPs and this way protect your users.